Fujifilm Italy contributes to ‘EverydayClimateChange’ exhibition

Fujifilm’s mission to develop highly advanced technologies to improve the quality of life and promote environmental sustainability has led the company to join the ‘EverydayClimateChange’ project through its involvement in the production of the exhibited photographs.
By now, ‘EverydayClimateChange’ features over 30 photographers from six continents who work in every corner of the planet. Born as an idea of James Whitlow Delano and initially originated as an Instagram feed to raise awareness of the emergency of climate change all over the world, ECC soon turned into a travelling exhibition, which this year offers the largest selection of photographs from the project ever displayed.
This year, Fujifilm has put its expertise in high-quality printing processes into the exhibited photographs in close collaboration with Photo Op. The prints were produced on three different types of original photo paper: Pearl, Velvet and DPII Matte. As technical sponsor, Fujifilm contributed altogether 76 prints in different sizes ranging from 30 × 45 cm to 70 × 100 cm.
You are welcome to see the results at the ImagOrbetello Festival in Orbetello, Tuscany, Italy, until 18 August 2019.
The featured photographers are: Rodrigo Baleia • Nina Berman • Gary Braasch • Michael Robinson Chavez • Ashley Crowther • James Whitlow Delano • Bernardo Deniz • Sima Diab • Luc Forsyth • Sean Gallagher • Balazs Gardi • Matilde Gattoni • Georgina Goodwin • Katharina Hesse • Ed Kashi • Suthep Kritsanayarin • Peter Mather • Gideon Mendel • Palani Mohan • John Novis • Matthieu Paley • Paolo Patrizi • J.B. Russell • Vlad Sokhin • Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert • Paolo Verzone • Franck Vogel • Elisabetta Zavoli
Polveriera Guzman
Via Mura di Levante 7, Orbetello, Tuscany, Italy
9 July 2019 to 18 August 2019